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Anastasia is 4 months pregnant from her boyfriend Robert Dumont Ulmman. Anastasia says she thought she was getting fatter by comias who ate more ended up having a big surprise after learning that I was pregnant! Anastasia says her belly still is not even right for 4 months! More expected to be a girl! More boyfriend expecting a boy! More said she wants a abençodo by God and good health! that's what matters to her!

She says her belly is very little that is expected to grow more, as fast as possible!!

She said today she will see the sex of your baby!

Visit with your doctor

Doctor.: Wow, what a beautiful belly
Her.: Wow swears!
Doctor. Now I'll examine
her.: ok! You're the doctor who is
doctor.: Sit over there please
her.: ok
doctor.: Wow, how well your baby!
She. "Swear?
doctor.: Now lie down on this little bed! I'll see how that this small!
it.: I hope she's okay!
doctor.: Yes it is! retreat and yet my words that she will rise up to 7 months, I'm thinking they will be up to 9
She. "Swear? I can not believe!
doctor.: She's fine inside! You are feeding well apparently!
it.: Yes of course! I do this for her!
doctor.: Okay, she's great! Keep it up!
her.: ok! Kisses!